How It Works: WhiteStar Parcels ArcGIS Web Service

Assume you are tasked with calculating risk exposure to a flood, determining property owners along a pipeline project or creating a thematic map of property owners for a proposed wind farm project. You might download county data to approach the task.

However,  two problems quickly arise: data from different jurisdictions is structured differently and has to be converted to a common format. Additional data from third parties has to be merged in. Finally, in a pandemic world, free data has begun to disappear from government websites to be replaced by fee structures as county governments try to recoup their costs. Any initial benefit in collecting raw data rapidly erodes once the costs of conversion, normalization, geoprocessing and updates are figured in.

WhiteStar Parcels ArcGIS Web Service

WhiteStar Parcels™ is implemented as both an ArcGIS Server Web Service and as a data store through our zip, clip and ship platform, WhiteStar Cloud®. Our REST endpoint lets you add the parcel data immediately to the current ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro session, and with the Pro version, access to hundreds of different parcel-related attributes. Alternatively, WhiteStar Cloud lets you choose a geographic area of interest and define the output coordinate system and data format for products that need to operate on a downloaded data set.

Having access to instantaneous web services lets you quickly evaluate different areas all around the country for purposes such as valuations, viewing ownership, and types of land use while eliminating all the traditional data management issues. I’ve created a short 5 minute video you can check out here showing exactly how this works.

Robert C. White, Jr.
President and CEO
WhiteStar Corporation


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